DIY Moisturizing Lemon Hand Soap/Scrub

This image shows a whole and a cut lemon.

This image shows a whole and a cut lemon. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Happy Friday Perfect Shine Readers! We usually share recipes and tips for cleaning your house, your dishes, your car, etc… but sometimes we like to share some DIY recipes that give a little love back to you! Today we’ve got a recipe for moisturizing lemony hand scrub/soap. Keep a jar of this near the kitchen sink so after you tidy up or do the dishes you can treat your hands to a mini spa-like experience.




  • 1/3 cup kosher salt
  • Zest of 1 extra large lemon (or other citrus)
  • 1 cup olive oil
  • 1/4 tsp pure lemon extract or 5 drops of lemon essential oil, optional
  • Glass jar for storing scrub




  1. Combine all the ingredients into a bowl and mix well.
  2. Spoon your scrub into a glass jar, and tighten the lid.
  3. Feeling festive? Add a ribbon or cute label to your jar!
  4. When you want to use the scrub run water over your hands, then take a tbsp of scrub and rub between your hands. Rinse with warm water.


This scrub also makes a fantastic housewarming gift!


Clean While You Sleep: The Toilet

Image from

Let’s be honest, nobody enjoys cleaning the toilet. It’s not a glamorous job. But we are here to tell you that you don’t ever have to scrub your toilet again (and not just because you hired someone else to do it for you!). You can clean while you sleep. We are starting a series of recipes/tips for cleaning your home naturally while you get some much-needed zzz’s. First up the toilet!


  • 1 cup borax
  • 1 cup vinegar
  • 10 drops pine or lavender essential oil (we prefer lavender because it’s easy to find)
  • 5 drops lemon or lime essential oil


  1. Combine all the ingredients in a glass bowl.
  2. Pour all at once into your commode. Allow the mixture to sit over night.
  3. Get your beauty sleep!
  4. Flush in the AM for a clean throne!

Pretty simple right? What is the one household chore you wish could be done while you sleep?

Check back for more cleaning tips while you sleep!

Green Spring Cleaning: Scrub That Tub!

Hello there Spring Cleaners! Here is a recipe for an effective and safe soft scrub that you can use to get that tub looking like new!


  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 1/4 cup liquid castile soap
  • 3-5 drops tea tree oil
  • 2 aspirin, powdered


  1. Mix all the ingredients together and add enough water to make a paste.
  2. Store the mixture in a shampoo bottle or bottle with squeezable lid/applicator.
  3. To use apply the soft scrub with a sponge, then scrub and rinse thoroughly!

This DIY version of soft scrub is much more affordable and safe for you and your family. So why not give it a try?